Our recommendation
Our guests always ask us about places to eat, things to do, while in Eureka Springs, and we like to share that kind of information.
Here are a few eating places, we like to recommend:
www.McGaritysRestaurant.com - can't be any closer, right in front of the Motel
The ThaiHouse Eureka Springs - The only Thai Restaurant in Eureka Springs, on Hwy 62 East, right across the street
The Filling Station - Perfect place to get your day started, right across the street, next to the ThaiHouse
Gaskins Cabin Steakhouse, just a little bit outside of Eureka Springs to the North
Local Flavor Cafe - American - Italian Restaurant, in the middle of downtown, across the Trolley Depot
Ermilios - Bistro type Italian Restaurant, on Historic Loop
Mudstreet Cafe - Your place for a fine breakfast, at the junction Main Street/Spring Street, in the underground
Horseshoe Grill Restaurant - Former Catfish Cabin Restaurant! Less than a mile east
Anglers Restaurant - Catfish, Burgers, Sandwiches, Salads and more, on Hwy 62 West, towards the Beaver Lake
www.RoguesManor.com - Fine Dining in Downtown, right behind the Post Office, next to Sweet Spring
www.GrandCentralResort.com - Fine Dinning in Eureka Springs Downtown, on North Main Street
www.lestick.com - Eureka's fine dining, on Highway 62 West, across from the Razorback Gift Store
www.RowdyBeaver.com - Burgers and Steak, family friendly restaurant, on Hwy 62 West - about 2.5 miles away
www.PiedPiperPub.com - a Pub with good food, first place on the right hand side downtown from the south entrance
www.facebook.com/eurekabrews - strictly Arkansas brewed bee, coffee, and more, next to the Post Office
www.ZiplineEurekaSprings.com - Fly thru the woods of Eureka Springs, on Hwy 187, about 6 miles away
www.EurekaSpringsZipLine.com - Now a second ZipLine for Eureka Springs, on Hwy 23 S, about 3 miles away
www.FreshHarvest.co - A tasting you will never forget (in a good way), at the Market, across from Subway
www.IntrigueTheater.com - Enjoy a fund and magical evening with a wonderful host, at the Gavioli Chapel on Historic Loop
www.TurpentineCreek.org - Visit over 100 big - lions, tigers and some bears, on Hwy 23 South, about 7.5 miles away
www.AmericasmosthauntedHotel.com - Visit the Crescent Hotel and chat with their old time guests, on Historic Loop
www.ESSA-Art.com - find the artist in you, check in for a workshop, on Hwy 62 West
www.KeelsCreek.com - Tasting room for some fine, Arkansas-made Wines, just about 1 1/2 mile on Hwy 62 East
www.BlueSpringHeritage.com - Explore the indian history in this gorgeous botanical garden, about 6 miles on Hwy 62 West
www.Opera.org - Classic Music Festival in the Summertime, on Hwy 62 West
www.GreatPassionPlay.org - "America's #1 Attended Outdoor Drama", just about 2.5 miles on Passion Play Road
www.ThornCrown.com - Visit our magnificent Chapel, listed 4th on the AIA's top designs of the 20th century, on Hwy 62 West
www.LakeLeatherwoodCityPark.com - Plenty of walking and hiking routes in the largest city park in Arkansas, on Hwy 62 West
www.visiteurekasprings.com/the-aud - Our own event place in the heart of Downtown, check activities on the website