Upcoming Events
You can find the very latest news about entertainment on the website of one of our two local Newspaper Eureka Springs Times-Echo or ES Independent. Click on Entertainment and find your place to hang out.
20th Annual Carving in the Ozarks April 26 - 27, 2024
Eureka’s one and only chainsaw carving festival! The carving begins on Friday morning and continues throughout the day. Watch these carvings materialize before your very eyes. Auction Saturday @ 4:00PM.
For more information on our 2024 festival visit www.facebook.com/carvingintheozarks

2023 Season - Opera in the Ozarks
June 23 - July 21, 2023
The Opera is back! There will be shows in the month of July. For the schedule and tickets, please visit the website of the Opera in the Ozarks.
More information on

3rd Annual Eureka Springs Jeep Jam September 14-17, 2023
From the Organization:
We thank everyone for coming to our town for #ESJJ22! We appreciate your support of Peterson Outdoor Ministries and helping us raise over $46,000 for our disabled veterans. Our Jeep Parade broke a Eureka Springs record with over 786 Jeeps and we had more Jeeps at our event this year than the population of Eureka Springs. A BIG “THANK YOU” to all our wonderful sponsors, volunteers, and our wonderful community.

52th Annual Antique Auto Festival
September 8 - 9, 2023
The 52th Annual Antique Auto Festival in Eureka Springs, Arkansas will be held on September 8th & 9th, 2023 on the grounds of the Pine Mountain Village.
To register or for more information visit http://www.antiqueautofest.com/.
31st Annual Volkswagen Show
August 25 - 27, 2023
The 31st Annual Volkswagen Show, Arkansas will be held on August 25th - 27th, 2023 at the Best Western Inn of the Ozark and on the grounds of the Pine Mountain Village. The Eureka Springs VW Show is to gather all VW lovers in one town, consisting of 2 great shows by 2 different clubs. All profits benefiting the Good Shepherd Animal Shelter in Eureka Springs
To register or for more information visit
You don't have a VW but a German Car, join Ozark Euro Rally at the Great Passion Play grounds.
From the Organization:
"The show started off as an "overflow" for the Eureka Springs Volkswagen Show on the same weekend since their event space was limited. Soon after, we opened it up to all German manufactures to help bring more people into the town of Eureka Springs. Our goal to help expose Eureka Springs, Arkansas, to the rest of the world by creating a fun, German car enthusiast event in the Ozarks."

May Festival of the Arts
May 1 - May 31, 2023
To say that Eureka Springs is a colorful community is an understatement. There’s an overall creative vibe running through our historic arts village driven by more than 350 working artists in all mediums.
During the month of May, we show it all off.
May Festival of the Arts is packed with one-of-a-kind art exhibits, demonstrations, performances, culinary arts, free music in the park, and the wildest street party thrown by artists – The White Street Walk.
Art is alive in Eureka Springs! Tucked in the mountains, surrounded by lakes, rivers, streams, and natural healing springs, authentic creative spirits run rampant through the village. Come visit and soak in an art happening that can’t be found anywhere else.
For more complete information and schedule of events visit:

Eureka Springs Zombie Crawl
October 28, 2023
The Zombie Crawl is back for 2023! This year we'll have vendors, music, and food all day beginning around 12pm.
Parade starts at 6pm! Official afterparty location and time is TBA.